Multimedia Information Systems Lab is currently carrying out the following research projects. In addition, some students are working on individual research themes.
- Expert Testimony / Image Analysis
- Identifying by Walking Style Technology Project
- Infra-red Watching Camera Project
- On-board 3D-Field Recognition Technology Project
- Auto-Driving of Agricultural Trucks Technology Project
- Image based Computer Aided Medical Diagnosis Project
- Inner-body Sounds based Computer Aided Medical Diagnosis Project
- 2D-code Technology Project

Research Instruments
To promote research in the field of deep learning, our laboratory uses NVidia DGX Stations, which are equipped with four V100 (Volta architecture) units and are said to have a computing performance of 480 TLOPS.

We employ NVidia Jetson nano/TX2/Xavier to implement on camera devices.

In addition, a treadmill (walking machine) has been installed in the common lab room for walking style experiments.